by Kevin
Chinese New Year is a tradition in China. This year it is on January 28, 2017 but next year it is on February 16, 2018. Why does change by so much? The reason is that our (Lunar) calendar is based on the time the moon takes to go around the Earth. (The Western calendar is based on the time it takes for the Earth to go around the Sun.) The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. Since it is .5 they make it 29 days but in order to catch up with the solar calendar the Chinese adds in extra month once every few years.
Do you Know what animal you are? In Chinese Tradition there are 7 animals. Every year is named after a animal. 2017 is Rooster, but why rooster. The story is there was a race between all the animals and the first 7 get years so cat told rat to wake him up for the race but the next day he forgot so the cat missed the race, that’s why cats hate rats/mice. The race is beginning the race was over water so the water ox has a huge advantage. 3 2 1 Start! The rat jumped on the ox and the dragon started flying… At the end rat jumps of the ox and gets first then ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig.