By: Hope
Fifth graders get to do many fun things. One fun thing we get to do is make rockets. I am in Ms. Boyer’s class and we are going to make bottle rockets. Everyone is in a group. As a group, we make inspiration boards. An inspiration board is a board made up of things you get inspired by which we find on the internet. My group has a great board and we are really proud. We also get to build rockets as a group.
The body of the rocket is made from a one or two liter soda bottle. We can also use things like styrofoam and duct tape to decorate and build the rocket. After we build the rocket, we get to launch it. A few days after we launch and fix the flaws, we get to re-launch it.
I am very excited to build, launch, and re-launch our rockets. So far my group and I are having a lot of fun and are doing very well!