Tuesday, March 24, 2015


by Allie

I just got a Guppy on Monday! Guppies are fish that have big tails and eyes are on their sides. Guppies are freshwater fish. That means they need a filter for freshwater, not saltwater. A filter filters the water so that the fish can live in it and reduces the chances of the fish dying.  Female Guppies are bigger than the males. I recommend getting a book about how to care for fish before getting one. You never know if the person who helps you with the fish forgets to mention something. My person forgot to tell us something! The person did not tell us that we need an air pump and sadly, most of my fish died ;(. My Dad promised me that I would get more fish.

Guppies are tropical fish that are found in tropical, warm areas. Guppies are friendly fish and you can put a Guppy in a tank with other Guppies and they won’t try to kill each other. Sometimes they will nip each others tails, but thats is the meanest thing they do! They are playing when they do that.

Here’s how to care for your guppy:
  1. First you need to buy a tank (usually includes filter), Heater, Air Pump, and maybe a few extension cords.
  2. The next day after 24 hours you go back to store and get the actual Guppy because you cannot just buy the Guppy and keep it in the plastic for 24 hours. You also buy plants, food, Net, A tool to clean off the bubbles on the side of the tank so, you can see the fish clearly.
  3. Be prepared if your fish dies, because fish are harder to take care of then you would think, for example: If you feed too much you can kill the fish because all that food will go to the bottom and could suffocate the fish.


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