Tuesday, November 1, 2016

VVVVVV - a game review

by Kenneth

VVVVVV is a video game that is 2D form and made by Terry Cavanagh.

But why would a game have this such name? This is because all characters in the game have a V in their name, such as Captain Viridian, Doctor Violet, Professor Vitellary, Officer Vermillion, Chief Verdigris, and Doctor Victoria.

To play: space to fall up or down, you cannot do this in midair. This has a small version and full version. I played it on dagobah.net. You can also download it, but it costs money (about $3.) It has great music and can be very loud( bad). It has these things called ancient gems( ONLY 20 OF THEM). If you find all, a surprise awaits you….

I hope you will enjoy this post and the game game. Note that this game will take very long. It took me weeks to complete it.

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