Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Boston Tea Party

by Xiyan

When it was the night of December 16, 1773. The Sons of Liberty pretended to be some Indians and boarded three ships on the Boston Harbor and they threw 342 chests full of tea into the sea. This is today known as the Boston Tea Party.

The Cause of the Boston Tea Party
The American Revolution had started and the king had just passed out a new law, that everyone had to pay taxes for all the Tea they drank, that’s a LOT of Tea, so on December 16, 1773, some of the true patriots of our country decided to dump 342 chests full of tea into the sea.

The Effect of the Boston Tea Party
When all of the Tea was dumped overboard, the British shut down the Boston Harbor until all of the Tea was all payed for.

The Boston Tea Party was one of the most important and famous acts of the American Revolution.

File:Boston Tea Party w.jpg

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